Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Visit With Santa Claus

Mommy and daddy took me to Macy's in Herald Square to see Santa today. As you can see from my picture I was...well... terrified. But I only sat with Santa for a few minutes and then got to look around the rest of Santaland. Santaland was really fun. I saw a puppet show, lots of elves, and lots of characters and toys. After Santaland I walked with mommy and daddy to see the most giant Christmas tree I've ever seen at Rockefeller Center. I haven't seen too many Christmas trees yet, but I'm pretty sure this one was about as big as they get. I had such a fun day and can't wait for Christmas!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My First Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving I went with mommy and daddy to Grandma and Grandpa Scerbo's house. I was so excited to see my cousins. We played with some toys, crawled around, and even ate some food too. It was such a great day!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

9 Months Old

I turned 9 months this weekend! Mommy and Daddy thought it was a big deal. They got me a cupcake and even let me try some of it... Mmmm. I am a very busy girl these days. I am pulling myself up onto anything and everything. I love playing with my toys (especially my rubber ducks) and following mommy and daddy around our apartment. My favorite place to be is in mommy and daddy's arms. I am eating so many new things too! My favorite are my green veggies and my cheerios. I can even pick up my own food and it is so much more fun that way. Here are some pictures from my 9th month...

Monday, November 3, 2008

The NYC Marathon

This weekend I ran in my first NYC marathon! Okay.... well I didn't exactly run in the marathon, but I watched. Well, I guess I didn't really watch much of it. I slept thorugh most of it. But I was there and am really proud of my Uncle Tommy and Uncle Gary for running in their first marathon!

My First Halloween

I was a butterfly for Halloween! I got to wear my costume a few times too because I went to a few Halloween parties. Here are some pictures from my first Halloween.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Eight Months Old

My eighth month was so exciting. I started crawling and am quickly becoming faster and better at it. I like exploring everything. I am even starting to pull myself up and stand holding onto things. I became the proud owner of two more teeth this month too. Now I have a total of four. I am clapping my hands and like to drink water from a straw. Mommy and daddy are trying to get me to eat these funny things called cheerios. They seem a little strange to me so far and are nothing like the pureed food and milk I am used to. Here are some pictures from my eighth month.

My Florida Vacation

I flew all the way to Florida with Mommy and Daddy last weekend. Florida was fun because I got to play in the pool and relax in the warm weather. It was my first time on an airplane and I did such a great job. Who knew airplanes were so much fun!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm on the Crawl

That's right... I did it! I crawled for the first time this morning. I was playing with my daddy before he had to go to work and I crawled across my letter mat to my toys. Daddy called mommy into the room and they were both so proud of me! They have no idea what's coming. There's no stopping me now!

Friday, September 26, 2008

My Sweater From Mommy

Before I was born, my mommy made me a sweater to keep me warm in the cold weather. Although the sweater was sized 0-3 months, it was too big for me during my first few months. I guess mommy used a little too much yarn! Now that the weather is getting cold again I tried on my sweater and it fits! Don't I look adorable in it...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Seven Months Old

I had another very exciting month. I am sitting up all by myself now! It is so much easier to play now that I can sit up. One day I even figured out how to sit up from laying on my tummy all by myself. Now I do it all the time. I like to prop myself up on my hands and knees too, but just haven't put it all together to actually crawl yet. I am getting really close though and mommy and daddy are getting ready for me! I have a really soft and fun playmat now where I can safely practice all of my moves. My favorite toys are my exersaucer and Pie (a little rubber squeaky toy). I never get tired of playing with Pie! I went apple picking for the first time this month and started some new mommy and me classes with my mommy. I love my classes because I get to listen to music and play with my friends. Here are some pictures from my seventh month. I even thought I'd show you a few pictures of me with some of my baby friends...