Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Day at Shea

Today I went to Shea Stadium to see the Mets play. This is the last season the Mets will play there and my daddy really wanted me to see Shea Stadium while I still can. I had a great day. There was so much to see and all of the Mets fans were so friendly. It is official that I am a fan. Let's go Mets!

My 6 Month Birthday

I am half a year old! I am doing so many fun things. I have gotten better at eating food since my first taste a few weeks ago. Although I've eaten a few different foods, rice cereal is still my favorite. I'm also starting to drink from a cup with help from mommy and daddy. I try to bring my cup to my mouth by myself although it sometimes hits my eyes or nose instead. I will get there. I am rolling everywhere. I can get to any toy I want to by rolling. I even like rolling when mommy and daddy are changing my diaper! I am starting to figure out that it is fun to scoot to get where I want to be too. I have had so much fun this summer going to the park and walking all around the city with mommy and daddy. I like to look at everything. Mommy and daddy can't believe six months have gone by already. I am becoming such a big girl!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My First Try at Cereal

Today was a really big day for me! I tried solid food for the first time. Mommy and daddy knew it was time because it is getting hard to keep me away from their food when they are eating. I really liked my first few bites right away. I didn't even hesitate and was reaching for more as soon as a bite was swallowed. I didn't finish my whole bowl because I started to get a little fussy after a while. This is all brand new to me after all! But mommy and daddy are sure I will become a big fan of real food very quickly.