Friday, September 26, 2008

My Sweater From Mommy

Before I was born, my mommy made me a sweater to keep me warm in the cold weather. Although the sweater was sized 0-3 months, it was too big for me during my first few months. I guess mommy used a little too much yarn! Now that the weather is getting cold again I tried on my sweater and it fits! Don't I look adorable in it...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Seven Months Old

I had another very exciting month. I am sitting up all by myself now! It is so much easier to play now that I can sit up. One day I even figured out how to sit up from laying on my tummy all by myself. Now I do it all the time. I like to prop myself up on my hands and knees too, but just haven't put it all together to actually crawl yet. I am getting really close though and mommy and daddy are getting ready for me! I have a really soft and fun playmat now where I can safely practice all of my moves. My favorite toys are my exersaucer and Pie (a little rubber squeaky toy). I never get tired of playing with Pie! I went apple picking for the first time this month and started some new mommy and me classes with my mommy. I love my classes because I get to listen to music and play with my friends. Here are some pictures from my seventh month. I even thought I'd show you a few pictures of me with some of my baby friends...