Wow! Has it really been almost a year since I arrived? This month I have really turned into a fun little girl. I love to play and have quite a sense of humor. I will do anything I can to get attention. I play peek a boo, hide and seek, and catch (well... I throw and other people catch). I try to say everything and come really close a lot of the time. I especially love to say hi to anyone I see. Sometimes mommy and daddy will hold me while we walk around the city and I say hi to everyone who is walking the other way. Sometimes they say hi to me too! And I am so interested in everything going on around me. I like to point at so much of what I see and listen very closely when mommy and daddy tell me what I am looking at. I am really starting to cuise too and have become very steady on my feet. My hair grew a bit this month and I have sprouted a few curls! And my 7th and 8th teeth are coming through right this minute. Here are a few pictures from this month. As you can see... it is not so easy to get a picture of me sitting still these days!
My first Christmas was very exciting! When I woke up in the morning I couldn't believe that Santa had come. He left me some presents and even some oatios! He must know me pretty well. After I ate a few oatios, mommy and daddy helped me to open my presents. I really liked the wrapping and tissue paper. The presents were pretty fun too. I spent the rest of the day at Grandma Pat and Grandpa Pete's house. It was fun to see everyone there. At the end of the night Santa himself and one of his reindeer came for a visit! It was so exciting! Although the closer I looked, the more I realized Santa and his reindeer looked an awful lot like Aunt Maryanne and Uncle Charlie. I played along though because it was really nice of them to do that just for me!
I am now 10 months old! I am more mobile then I've ever been. I'm a very speedy crawler and I'm starting to cruise. I have decided that I prefer grown up food over baby food too. I love to feed myself and my favorite thing to eat is American cheese. On my ten month birthday I had such a fun time visiting my daddy at work. Here are some pictures from my tenth month.