Monday, July 28, 2008

I am 5 Months Old!

This was such an exciting month for me! My biggest news of the month is that my first teeth came in. I have two new teeth! I am not really using them to eat just yet, but I am getting ready. I put everything in my mouth and I watch mommy and daddy very closely when they are eating. The doctor says that I can start eating when I am six months old, so I have one more month to go. I am also becoming really mobile. Mommy and daddy can't look away for even a minute anymore, because I might roll across the room. Just this week I have started to really laugh when mommy and daddy do something funny. I used to laugh once in a while, but now I have figured out how much fun it is to laugh more and more. Mommy and daddy tell me that this is the best sound in the world. I have also started sleeping on my tummy. Now that I am good at rolling over, this is my favorite way to sleep. I took my first vacation this month too and also my first cab ride. Hope you like looking at my pictures from my fifth month!

My Outer Banks Vacation

Mommy and Daddy drove me all the way to North Carolina for my first vacation. They were so proud of what a great job I did during the long car ride! I had a really great time. Grandma and Grandpa Scerbo were there along with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was great to spend time with everyone on the beach and at our beach house. I especially loved my long walks and naps on the beach. And feeling the sand and water on my feet was really fun too. I already miss playing with my cousins.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Here I am on my first 4th of July. I spent the day with mommy and daddy at Grandma Pat and Grandpa Pete's house. It was a lot of fun. I got to see Aunt Krissy and Uncle Tommy and play outside too. I didn't go in the pool because I was just getting over being sick. But mommy and daddy had fun in the pool while I spent time with everyone else. Happy 4th of July!

My Weekend at the Beach

My mommy's friend Meera and her baby Sonia invited mommy, daddy, and I to her beach house for the weekend. It was so much fun because a few of the other babies that I play with during the week were there too! When we were on the beach, I took a nice long nap in my tent. Mommy and daddy loved that because they got to rest and go in the water. Then we went in Sonia's pool. This was my second time in a pool and I loved it! The water was nice and warm and I had fun splashing. In the morning all of the mommies wanted to take a picture of the babies in our pajamas. Aren't we adorable. Here I am with my friends Sonia, Max, and Tommy. It was such a fun time!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

At the Playground

Here are some pictures of me at the Carl Shurz Playground near my apartment. I had my first try on the baby swings. Mommy and daddy thought it was funny how small I looked in the swing. They let me take a ride anyway and I loved it! I'll have to get a little bigger though before I get to try again. I also slid down the slide for the first time. The playground looks like it will be a really fun place when I get a little bigger.