Monday, July 28, 2008

I am 5 Months Old!

This was such an exciting month for me! My biggest news of the month is that my first teeth came in. I have two new teeth! I am not really using them to eat just yet, but I am getting ready. I put everything in my mouth and I watch mommy and daddy very closely when they are eating. The doctor says that I can start eating when I am six months old, so I have one more month to go. I am also becoming really mobile. Mommy and daddy can't look away for even a minute anymore, because I might roll across the room. Just this week I have started to really laugh when mommy and daddy do something funny. I used to laugh once in a while, but now I have figured out how much fun it is to laugh more and more. Mommy and daddy tell me that this is the best sound in the world. I have also started sleeping on my tummy. Now that I am good at rolling over, this is my favorite way to sleep. I took my first vacation this month too and also my first cab ride. Hope you like looking at my pictures from my fifth month!

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